Member Directory

VFP Ink Technologies

Immeuble Le TREMA 163 Quai Aulagnier, CS 40058, Asnières sur Seine Cedex, 92601, France

A leading player in the European market with a worldwide distribution, VFP Ink Technologies covers an extensive range of applications and materials for industries such as printing of labels, laminated PVC cards, printed electronics, packaging, etc.

VFP Ink Technologies provides superior products to meet customers requirements worldwide and strive to support them on various applications.

Major Product Categories or Services Offered

Card Manufacturing Supplies (Consumables)

  • Opaque white ink
  • Metallik Ink
  • UV ink
  • Solvent Ink
  • Ir Blockers

Card Component Supplier

  • Functional inks

Member Type:


Our Services:

Card Component Supplier Card Manufacturing Supplies (Consumables)


Distinguished Partner - Platinum

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