by Jennifer Kohlhepp | CM Magazine Featured
ICMA Offers Exclusive Members-Only Marketing Resources
By Kimberly Tjoumakaris, Public Relations Manager, ICMA
Are you looking to increase your company’s brand presence in the card manufacturing industry? Look no further than the International Card Manufacturers Association’s (ICMA) Marketing Solutions.
ICMA’s marketing resources are designed specifically for members to garner more company brand recognition, sell more and gain access to industry insights and more connections.
Refine your marketing efforts and discover opportunities to target your customers and prospects with ICMA’s Marketing Solutions.
Market to Thousands—For Free!
ICMA’s online member directory allows companies to quickly find the right partner for any card-related project wherever they are in the world. Divided into 10 categories, the directory has options to search for every type of company in the industry.
“We did substantial keyword and online search research to determine what people are looking for when they search for companies in the card manufacturing industry,” said Dan Beldowicz, director of digital marketing for ICMA. “When people search for something, they are looking for a solution to a problem, and we designed the directory to make that process effortless.”
Analytics show that visitors to the directory are highly engaged, meaning they dedicate significant time to searching and reviewing member pages, which brings outstanding visibility to ICMA members.
Enhance your company’s position in the marketplace with a free listing in ICMA’s membership directory, the newest membership benefit, which is designed to bring you more business!
As a member, your company receives a profile page within the directory that includes your company’s logo, contact information and product offerings.
Get More Brand Recognition
When it comes to networking, nothing competes with the face-to-face interaction you’ll have at industry events like CardTREX North America, CardTREX Europe or the ICMA EXPO, March 29-April 1, 2020. By combining exposure to potential leads with the ability to interact personally, events like the EXPO and CardTREX offer an experience that other forms of marketing cannot deliver.
The EXPO is the world’s only global card manufacturing-focused conference and exhibition, which is attended by more than 200 companies from 40 countries worldwide. Guarantee visibility among existing customers and reach new ones by serving as an exhibitor or sponsor. Whether you are a small business or a large company, this year’s EXPO will provide unique opportunities to maximize exposure and connect to consumers on a personal level.
Reach Customers and Prospects
The card industry is a unique, niche market with few publications designed to reach members of the global card industry. With a circulation of more than 3,000, include Card Manufacturing magazine in your marketing strategy. It is the only print publication designed to communicate directly to an audience that is passionate and interested in all aspects of the card industry. Submit company news or place an ad in Card Manufacturing magazine.
Sell Directly to Your Target Audience
Did you know that banner ads are more effective than a billboard? ICMA.com has more than 1,500 visitors per month. Put your company in front of your target audience with a banner ad on ICMA.com and reach your customers in a new way. There are several rotating banners on the home page and throughout the site—designed to support and enhance your marketing efforts.
Stay Up to Date with Industry Trends
Distributed to 1,500 association members, banner ads in our e-newsletters are available to help you showcase your brand.
ICMA’s InBrief is designed to share the latest news, insights and market trends to keep you at the cutting-edge—delivering curated, scannable content right to your inbox each week. The e-newsletter is designed to help you spot potential niche opportunities, identify new and different technologies and keep a pulse on competitors and industry news. InBrief is a valuable resource that is respected for its credibility.
A quick read, Inside ICMA provides the latest association news, highlighting ICMA card education and training programs, webinar topics, Card Manufacturing magazine articles, event details and member news.
Become an Award Winner
ICMA members are eligible to submit entries for the Élan Awards of Excellence, the only industry-wide awards that showcase the world’s best cards and technology. Winning an Élan Award can lead a company down multiple paths to success, including new business opportunities.
“We use the success of our award-winning designs in every sales presentation we give,” said Dori Skelding, CompoSecure’s vice president of marketing and supply chain. “Being able to show the winning cards during presentations has been an important marketing tool when talking to potential clients.”
To learn more about all of the marketing opportunities ICMA membership provides, visit ICMA.com today!